Privacy policy and cookie usage

This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, display and protect your personal data according to the valid privacy protection legislation.

Personal data collection

With you visit of our website and filling the consent form for sharing your personal data, that we collect from you, that you voluntarily provide. Among this data are your name and surname, e-mail address, phone number and other information you share with us.

Intended use of your personal data

Your personal data will be used only for the purposes you gave us your consent or for the purposes allowed or requested by law. Main purposes of our data collection are:

Divulging personal data to third persons

Your personal data will never be sold, leased, given access to or in any other way provide to third parties without your explicit consent, unless required by law or if it is necessary to provide our services (for example: delivery, cleaning services, food delivery).

Personal data storage

Your personal data will be stored only for the timeframe, that is needed for the intended use, for example as long as you remain a resident at one of our premises or as required by valid legislation.


We are actively using available technical, organizational and secure measures, to protect your personal data against the third partz access, loss or abuse. We ensure that only the persons authorized, that are bound to keep the confidentiality, are ever allowed to access your personal data.

Personal rights to your data

According to the valid legislation you, as a person, have certain rights regarding storage and usage of your personal data, among others right to access, update, delete, limit of usage rights and objecting to storage and usage of your personal data. To be able to make use of those rights, you can contact us at our contacts provided on this website.

We are going to use, store and manipulate your personal data only according to valid data protection legislation and according to this privacy policy.

Your questions and concerns regarding this policy may be directed to contacts provided on this website and will be answered in due time.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, in which your chosen browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox etc.) stores the data to help display our website and let it function correctly.

Some cookies are necessary for the website to function correctly and securely, while others serve to assist the improvement of user interface and experience, statistical analysis of website visitors and alike.

Necessary cookies

Necessary (always on) cookies are needed for the website to function as intended and are not collecting any personal data. They install at the first visit of our website.

Analytical cookies

The analytical cookies are used to collect and analyse visitor statistics of our website, displaying the devices, which are used to visit our website and alike.
Those cookies will install only upon your consent.

Advertizing cookies

Sometimes we will use advertizing cookies, that enable us to use social networks and internet search engines to display the ads that we feel are most suitable for you.
Those cookies will install only upon your consent.

3rd party cookies

These are cookies, that get installed by third parties (YouTube, Google Maps etc.) that we do not control nor can read or influence their contents.